Thursday, February 26, 2009

We lost a good one...

Diether Haenicke

This is a clip of my Dean talking about the late great Diether Haenicke, former WMU president who passed away recently. They are holding a memorial service for him on campus today.

Diether was in his 70's, and had been in poor health for some time. His original retirement from WMU was due in part to heart problems. He agreed graciously to interim when his predecessors failed to live up to his high standards. After the current president, Dr. John Dunn, was brought in, Diether remained close giving lectures and teaching. It was during his last lecture that he had a heart attack, causing him to fall and hit his head. He never fully recovered from his injury.

As Dean Reish points out, Diether left his imprint all over campus. He was a fierce advocate of the arts, library, and humanities (particularly foreign relations given he was German). There are several buildings and programs that exist as a direct result of his work, and one is named after him.

I personally had the pleasure of meeting Deither a couple of times here at the library. He called me "an important man to know" given that I was part of his IT support team. Although he was small in stature, he was a giant among his peers. He wrote a weekly editorial for the Kalamazoo Gazette, and was published in several other media.

Diether was president when I first became a student at Western. He retired before I graduated, and there was a noticeable absence of leadership and direction on campus. Elson Floyd, Diether's successor, left WMU for what he considered a better opportunity, and next in line president Judy Bailey was fired for poor performance (there were rumors of inappropriate actions with young co-eds by her husband, who also had a drinking problem. He frequently was given rides home from various drinking establishments by WMU police).

When I joined the staff here under Bailey, things were very lax. Enrollment was down. Moral was low. We were infighting amongst the staff and faculty. When Baily was fired, Diether came back as interim president while we searched for, and ultimately found our new president in Dr. Dunn.

Immediately there was a renewed spirit when Diether arrived. He put out policies, initiated a new add campaign for recruiting, gave the staff a much needed raise (albeit a small one), and righted the ship. Now enrollment is up, moral is high, and we are back on track.

So we owe Dr. Haenicke a deep gratitude for what he did for us. He is gone but not forgotten.

RIP Diether.

Is our children learning?

Is our children learning?
(The famous blooper from then President George W. Bush)

The answer might be a resounding no...

I am a big fan of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (or SPOGG for short). They have a great blog at

Seems a Wendy's employee made the following sign, and I quote:
"Are credit card machine is not working and We apologize for that."

First of all, "Are" you sure that "Our" credit card machine is really broken? Furthermore, what happened to your punctuation? Did "and" suddenly replace the period? I must have missed the memo on that one...

It really bugs me when simple statements like this can be butchered to this extent. Not that I am the God of grammar, and no one died and left me in charge of policing peoples postings, but come on! Doesn't this just speak volumes to the state of our educational system today? So sad...

By the way, if I made any grammatical errors on this post, I total recant the whole thing...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Picute is Worth a Thousand Words

I just came across a post that I never finished. As I wrote it I began the process every good journalist (remember, I am not a journalist, I just play one on the web) should do; fact checks.

I was disturbed to find out that the humorous tales I learned in my business classes at WMU were either completely false, or at least under suspicion. *sigh* Can't anything be on the up and up any more? Not that I want to live in Mayberry with Sheriff Taylor, but come on people! A little straight forwardness and honesty, is that too much to ask? But I digress...

Point is, I liked my original idea for a story, and who can resist an opportunity to brag about their kids? The "business tales" I will leave for you to decide.

8/27/2008 I wrote:

A colleague of mine was commenting on this great picture we have of our five month old daughter with a big bright smile on her face. She said, "Wow, looks like you have a Gerber baby there!". This brought to mind the picture on the front of all Gerber products and I remembered a funny thing we learned in a business class I took at the Haworth College of Business here at WMU.

Gerber baby in a jar: In South Africa the literacy rate is very low, so most products have a picture of the containers contents on its label. Wanting to understand why it's hugely successful line of baby food was not selling well internationally, Gerber flew some executives to Africa. They were informed that no one would buy a jar of ground up babies...Gerber as you may know, is famous for having a picture of a cute baby face on its labels!

Nova = "No go": Chevy took its successful Nova model to Mexico where sales were beyond abysmal. When they investigated further they discovered that the name Nova quite literally means "No go" in Spanish. They changed the name to Caribe and sales took off.
Note: This one is under a bit of scrutiny and lists this tale as "False", although I think their supporting argument is a little suspect and the fact that this tale was in my Business 4200 textbook leads me to believe it. Plus, it's too funny to dismiss!)

John Deere adultery hat: In Asia there is an idiom that translates roughly to "I wear a green hat", which means that you cheat on your spouse. John Deere has found that their hats sell better in white, or yellow. Anything but green!

If the stories are true or not, I find it interesting that they appear in college text books. I seem to find myself frequently using web sites like to check things of this nature. It seems to be pretty reliable, although you can't blindly trust any one site, and some of their supporting arguments seem suspect to me.

I do find Snopes to be effective at debunking the e-mail rumors and virus alerts that seem so prevalent these days. I once briefly believed an e-mail sent to me with a picture of a 27' Aligator that was taken out of a local river in my home town. Very realistic with pictures and references to real places, people, and newspapers. I double checked in Snopes, and sure enough the length was exaggerated (largest 'gator ever recorded was under 20') and the photo was taken in Texas somewhere. Seems there are several versions of this e-mail sent around, customized to your local area, in an effort to get you to forward to all of your friends. This gives the creator access to your e-mail address book and the ability to spread viruses. Crazy people...

So, when it comes to the stories you have heard here, you be the judge. I just wouldn't recommend that you wear your green hat on your next visit to Japan.