Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To hyphen, or not to hypen?

The opening entry of my blog brings my first preponderance. Should 'Semi Coherent' be hyphenated?
From Merriam-Webster (which is hyphenated by the way) we have this definition of 'Coherent':

Main Entry: co·her·ent

Pronunciation: \-ənt\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French cohérent, from Latin cohaerent-, cohaerens, present participle of cohaerēre

Date: circa 1555

1 a: logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated : consistent <coherent style> coherent argument> b: having clarity or intelligibility : understandable coherent person> coherent passage>2: having the quality of cohering; especially : cohesive, coordinated coherent plan for action>3 a: relating to or composed of waves having a constant difference in phase <coherent light> b: producing coherent light coherent source>

— co·her·ent·ly adverb

A quick web search, using Google of course, turns up several definitions of how/when to use a hyphen. I still don't know if I need one in the title of my blog or not, which leads me to leave it out due to my subscription to the school of 'when in doubt, leave it out' writing.

Having said that, the definition provided above helps me to define what my blog is all about; almost, but not quite, coherent ramblings. I am not an English major, and I will make mistakes. Logically and esthetically ordered it shall be, but correct and intelligible I cannot guarantee.

So, caveat emptor, I make no promises in my blogging content. My only hope is that you can enjoy my stream of consciousness writing and can relate to what I am spewing into blogland. If not, at least maybe you can get a laugh or two.

Thanks for reading; I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Semi-Coherent Mad Man

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