I have enjoyed being a father. Sure, most days are filled with crying, defiance, messy pants, and lots of other unsavory things, but you know why that doesn't matter? You come home from work and your little girl squeals with delight, comes running over to give you a big hug and tells you she missed you. In moments like that, you know that without a doubt, it's all worth it. *Wipes a tear and sniffles*
The wife and I are constantly faced with new challenges, successes and barriers to success. United we stand, and so far we have been pretty successful. One such success came lately while the kids were visiting grandparents.
The wife and I took a much needed night out to play trivia at the local watering hole when my phone rings. It was my father-in-law. He said, "just thought you would want to know that your eldest daughter just went poopie on the big girl potty!"
I announced this wonderful news aloud to the whole bar. Our table gave a big cheer and we toasted the great news. Laughter, congratulations, and jubilation filled the night for us.
Funny how life changes, huh? I never would have pictured myself here, even though I always felt I wanted kids and a family. Now I can't picture myself anywhere else.
There was a time when the thought of changing a dirty diaper, or soothing a screaming child would have sent shivers of fear and panic through me. Now, one look into the face of my smiling happy two month old turns me to mush. No amount of screaming or soiled pants can overcome that feeling.
We continue to be blessed people. I have a great life.
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