Well, a lot of things...My head is swimming right now! We sign papers on our new house this Friday afternoon, I just set up a lease with a tenant who is going to rent our old house, and my wife is pregnant! Sheesh. I'm thinking of taking up some new hobbies just to fill the down time...
The house buying experience was a drain. We looked at endless homes on-line, walked through a dozen or so, then found one we absolutely loved only to have it stolen out from under us (it was HUD owned and they do a silent auction. We were outbid by $20k, so I don't feel too bad). When we rounded the corner to see the house we eventually bought, my wife actually went "Ooooooo". We took two tours, then found out someone put in an offer the morning of our second walk through. We put together our best deal, just shy of what several comps in the neighborhood sold for, and sat nervously by the phone.
When our agent called she asked me to put it on speaker, so I suspected good news. Then she said they basically accepted as written, and are paying closing! Whoo hoo! Then set in the overwhelming dread of realizing that we now will have two mortgages, and we have to pack six years worth of accumulation to move. Not to mention we are going to become landlords thanks to the fact that there are dozens of foreclosed homes on the market for sale with twice the space and half the price of ours. Thanks banking/housing sectors, thanks a bunch.
So, to recap the whirlwind last couple months for us; found out we are expanding our family, went through a brutal home buying process (not done yet, worst paperwork/writers cramp session of our life coming this Friday!), listed our home for rent and screened a dozen applicants to find a tenant. Wow. How did we survive? Oh, and did I mention that our daughter turned two through all this? Yeah, terrible twos! She is the light of my life, and so cute it is beyond words. Most of the time she is a joy, but her new favorite response to any request from mommy and daddy is, "not yet..." Love it...
Well that's it in a nut shell as they say. What's new with you? I hope this message finds you and yours happy and well. I know I sure am!
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