I only have one dress code rule to my minions (students and staff who were unfortunate enough to draw me as their supervisor): No university logos other than ours!
This seems to happen all to often, so I went overboard and sent my rant in e-mail form to WMU's president, John M. Dunn. Too much? Maybe. You be the judge. Here is the letter and his response:
Dr. Dunn,
I am a proud member of the WMU community as a full time staff
member of the University Libraries. I have been a staunch supporter
of our University since joining this community as a student in 1997.
I have seen some highs and lows on this campus in those many years,
and I feel like right now we are poised to shoot up to new heights.
Let me first say that I appreciate the job you have done since
taking over for the late great Deither H. Haenicke. Moral seems to
be up, the profile of the university is up, and things seem to be
heading in the right direction.
I have somewhat of an axe to grind and I am wondering if my topic
might be on your radar. My issue is with members of our WMU family
(students, staff, and faculty alike) wearing apparel from other
universities, especially while representing WMU to the greater
community. Case in point, when reading the Western News September 10
edition, I see on page three a nice paragraph highlighting the
achievements of one of our own faculty members, Mr. G. Micheal
Grammer. In the picture provided Mr. Grammer is wearing a hat from
the University of Miami (FL).
This strikes me as rather odd. If I worked for Pizza Hut, I
wouldn't show up wearing a Dominos hat. Not to mention that Pizza
Hut does not recruit employees in direct competition with Dominos. I
don't think that Mr. Grammer had ill intent while choosing his head
wear, and most of our WMU family don't even realize the implications
of wearing another universities logo. They may have grown up in a
household that lived for watching another universities football
team, or maybe a parent or sibling attends this other university.
However, I think it sends a bad message to our students when even
the faculty seem to hold other institutions above our own. I think
WMU tends to struggle with national recognition, branding, image,
and credit. We are a world class university, yet our logo is no more
recognizable to the world than that of a small town community
It is my belief that a strong message of support for wearing and
promoting the WMU brand come from your office. I would also like to
see a policy that mandates all university employees wear only WMU
logo apparel while at work or representing WMU in public. Especially
printed materials such as news papers. Don't we offer free head
shots to all staff? Seems like Mr. Grammers picture was taken from
his facebook account.
I have also noticed a large number of freshman coming to campus
with their favorite university apparel. Again, there is nothing
wrong with supporting other universities, in fact we should partner
with them to strengthen our impact on society. I would however like
to see some sort of initiative to get students to buy into being a
Bronco. Some program that would encourage them to retire other
university wear. Maybe give a discount or a one for one trade for
Bronco gear. Turn in your UofM shirt, get a free Bronco shirt!
Promote us, and encourage esprit de corp at the same time.
I hope I don't come off as some curmudgeon, and I thank you for
taking the time to review my rant. If nothing else, I at least feel
better for having voiced my concern. I will share with you one final
observation. As I walked through Sangren Hall the other day I was
shocked to see a custodian dutifully mopping the floor while wearing
a Notre Dame hat. Should that not have been a Bronco hat?
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
Randall S James
Server Administrator
University Libraries
Western Michigan University
o: (269) 387-5038
c: (269) 720-2312
The response:
Thank you for your note. I concur 100% with your comments.
Whenever I see one of our students wearing a hat or t-shirt from
another school, I stopped and kid them about "our place" and the
need to demonstrate pride. I also reinforce faculty and staff for
showing the "colors". Please be assured that I will continue to
do so.
Enjoy the weekend,
John M. Dunn
Western Michigan University
Office of the President
3065 Seibert Administration
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Office: 269-387-2351
Fax: 269-387-2355
Email: john.dunn@wmich.edu
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of my harsh but needed policy, but hey, I'll take it. At least he agrees with me. Not that it will do much good, but I feel better about it!
Go Broncos!
By the way, we refer to the University of Miami followed by (FL) to designate it as the Hurricanes due to the University of Miami in Ohio. The latter being a school in our athletic conference. Not sure why the larger Miami institution needs the state designation, but that is the way they do it on ESPN, so it has to be correct...
From my friend Sheila:
Well written Randy and good for you for taking a stand! I was lloking forward to the grand finale response and was truly let down! Did his secretary write that on her own accord? LOL well, anyway, way to voice your concerns! You arevthe man! Heheh
Hope to see you all soon!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel
Thanks Sheila! I too was a little disappointed in the response, but he is a busy man. Got to give him credit for responding (or was it the secretary?).
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