1) She can enter and leave a room with quiet swiftness. I swear there are times I thought she was in the other room, so I patiently wait for her to return only to look behind me and find her comfy cozy on the couch. Scary.
2) She reads faster than any human being has a right to. Not sure if this is a Ninja skill or not, but I know she can read a 400 page novel in about half an hour (give or take). That just aint right.
3) When we play puzzle games or fill in the blank type stuff (Think Wheel of Fortune) she knows the answer about five times quicker than anyone else. There was a Wheel puzzle the other day with 20 blanks and one filled in letter, and she yells out "Never in my wildest dreams, duh!". I was like how did you do that? To which she replied, "The category is phrase, hello!". Meanwhile, the contestants get all but two letters filled in, and still guessed wrong. Come to think of it, maybe I need to buy my wife a plane ticket. Do they allow Ninja's on Wheel?
4) Weapon of Choice: Sarcasm. She can quickly diffuse any situation with this wicked instrument of destruction.
5) Swiftly spots all errors made by me. Only a ninja could figure out what it was I was about to do wrong before I even do it. This seems to be pretty consistent, although sometimes I surprise her and fix an error before she catches it. Guess I am her padawan learner (jedi apprentice to the uninitiated), ninja in training.
6) Master of 'the look'. One flash of this look and the recipient knows that my wife is not to be messed with. I assume this look has been crafted over the years in preparation for raising our daughter, whom I assume will test our patience often.
7) Cooking without a cookbook. Often Mother Hubbard's Cupboard is bare, and we are down to a random collection of materials with which to make a meal. My wife does not see this as a problem. She once turned a lemon, some garlic seasoning, a couple artichoke hearts and some cheese into a gourmet meal. Seriously, some of her 'inventions' are so good I request them again. I now intentionally purchase random ingrediants at the grocery store just so that she will experiment in the kitchen. The draw back to this ninja skill is the abuse my waistline takes, but I am willing to sacrifice.
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